Tuesday, March 11, 2014

spring:a new season and time for change (and unfortunately cleaning)

Well it is that time again: spring. When all of the plants have decided to bloom which inevitably brings more dust and pollen into your home. Daylight savings time has hit us yet again showing the time to "spring clean" your house. If you are anything like me you are a busy parent trying to take care of your child (or children), your husband (who sometimes is just as bad as your child lol), your house and other family members if you live with them which doesn't leave a lot of time for heavy duty cleaning. Now I don't like living in a mess or have a messy house but it doesn't always work out that I have enough time to make it spotless, get my husband off to work with lunch and make dinner for everyone, but spring cleaning is important and it also sheds the dreary feeling of winter and who doesn't love that?! I like things to be fast and easy! Usually I take a few days to get everything and all the spring cleaning done rather than try and cram it all into one day, because lets face it, THERE IS A LOT TO DO! I have found that one of the easiest ways to get everything done and REMEMBER all of the things that need to be done is by making a check list and when you get something done and are able to check (or cross) it off of your list what a sense of accomplishment.  I have found a few good sites/blogs that give a pretty good description of the best way to go about it, and ones that I really like and I have also included my list! now granted my list has more stuff on it but it is a little bit more detailed. You can choose whichever one/ones you like best! Go forth and clean my friends, clean like there is no tomorrow!

Raking in the savings: http://www.rakinginthesavings.com/spring-cleaning-action-plan/

diy 101: http://www.firsthomelovelife.com/2013/02/spring-cleaning-printable-checklist.html
              diy 101 is a great free printable list for all of you homeowners out there, however if you don't own your own home than you can just skip the "outside" portion of this print out. Also as they mention in the beginning of the blog but just to reiterate NEVER FLUSH OLD MEDICATION DOWN THE TOILET!

buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/alannaokun/simple-tricks-to-make-spring-cleaning-so-much-easier?sub=2083561_978403
               There are some great quick tips on this buzzfeed blog to make a few things go a lot quicker and a lot easier (and we both know that  I LOVE EASY!). These are some great tips to add to that list that you make or decide to use from one of these sites, or mine!


    • clean oven, microwave, and other small appliances 
    • clean inside and outside of the refrigerator and freezer
    • clean inside and outside of dishwasher
    • clean inside and outside of cabinets and drawers 
    • re-organize and clean pantry
    • clean off light fixtures and replace bulbs if need be
    • wash windows and window tracks
    • use soapy water to wash walls and baseboards 
    • wash ceiling, doors, and switch plates
    • clean off light fixtures and replace bulbs if need be
    • clean inside and outside of cabinets and drawers 
    • wash shower curtains (if fabric) and wash rugs
    • clean out garbage can
    • sweep and mop floor
    • wash window and window tracks 
    • and regular bathroom cleaning 
    • soapy water to clean walls, baseboards, doors, and switch plates
    • clean shelves and clean inside and outside of cabinets and drawers
    • clean light fixtures and change bulbs if need be
    • wash outside and inside of washing machine and dryer
    • vacuum out lint trap
    • sweep and mop floors
    • dust any wood furniture you may have
    • soapy water to wash walls, baseboards, doors, and switch plates
    • clean ceiling and fans
    • clean light fixtures and replace bulbs if need be
    • wash throws/blankets and pillows, vacuum and wash furniture, wash curtains and blinds
    • wash windows and window tracks 
    • vacuum floors and floor/ceiling vents
    • wash floors
    • dust furniture
    • soapy water to wash walls, baseboards, doors, and switch plates
    • clean light fixtures and change bulbs if need be
    • vacuum floor and vents
    • wash curtains, rugs and all bedding
    • wash mattress and pillows
    • clean windows and window tracks 
    • dust furniture 
    • change batteries in all smoke alarms
    • clean and wash any area rugs you may have
    • dust electric devices (computers, tv's, stereos, ect.)
    • wash all trim around doors

I hope that you find all of this information helpful and if you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment!!!! :D

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